Residential Services


Termites are one of the most common household pests in the Australia. They can cause serious structural damage by chewing through a home’s beams, posts, and support columns. Their droppings also contain spores that can lead to allergic reactions or respiratory problems for those exposed to them over long periods of time. Termites are difficult to detect until they have created significant damage inside a home.

Ryan’s Termite & Pest Control not only have the right know-how and tools to detect termites in your home. If you have had termites once, they can come back so it is important to set up a barrier around your home. Our team can install and monitor a series of stations around your home to ensure you don’t have repeated infestiation.

Pest Inspections & Eradication

Cockroaches, Spiders, Ants, Wasps, Termites and even Scorpions! Your home can harbour dangerous pests.
Create a safe and healthy space for you and your family today.

Ryan’s Termite & Pest Control can not only eradicate existing pests in your home, but also create a pest-free home through the use of periodic pest control measures. This is the best way to protect you and your home all year round.

Did you know? Most spider bites can cause a reaction. Always seek medical advice if a spider bite is suspected.

Possum Removal

Possums can not only do damage to homes by chewing wiring potentially causing a fire, but they can also create health risks to you and your family through their droppings in your ceiling and floor cavities.   

Possums are highly territorial and restrictions by government authorities mean we have to release the possums no further than 150 metres away, so it is important that your home is secured to stop them returning.

Ryan’s Termite & Pest Control can not only safely remove possums in your home, but also relocate the possum safely to another location.

RODENTS (Rats & Mice)

Rats and Mice can chew wiring and pipes and defecate throughout your home.

Rodents dislike the cold, There is an increase in the number of rats and mice found in and around your home coming into the colder months. As temperatures drop, rats and mice search out new shelters, and comfort the indoors provides them.

Ryan’s Termite & Pest Control can not only eradicate existing pests, but also create a pest-free home through the use of periodic pest control measures. This is the best way to protect you and your home all year round.

Did you know? A mouse can get pregnant immediately after giving birth and can reproduce anywhere from 5 – 10 times per year! 

End of Lease Treatment

Did you know that in NSW it is a legal requirement for an end of lease pest treatment to be undertaken when a tenant with fur-babies vacates property?

Ryan’s Termite and Pest Control  can help you meet your obligations and ensure the property you are leaving is fit and ready for the next tenant to move in!

Enjoy your home
totally pest-free

24/7 Emergency pest control
Certified technicians
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